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We always need people to volunteer on our voucher days.
We cannot operate without the generous donations from our supporters. Below is a list of items we usually need: 

1. Clothing and shoes (all sizes)
2. Blankets
3. Toiletries
5. Paraffin


We realized that are many poor people who could definitely benefit from the cheap

clothing but are already employed in low income jobs and would be unable to attend our work groups. Therefore

LIA is open once a week to anybody who can afford a voucher.


in this aspect of LIA we again rely on volunteers to help take the men and woman out and help them if needed. 

Because of our future plans we have a wish list that includes:

a washing machine,

sewing machines,


wheel barrows,


weed eaters,

uniforms (overalls and safety boots)


We rely heavily on volunteers to help serve and minister at our Soup Kitchen.
Our Soup kitchen also only operate due to food donations. Below is a list of items we usually need: 


1. Dried starch - Rice, Samp, Mielie Meal, Pasta & Bread.
2. Dried Beans and Lentils.
3. Canned Foods.
4. Oil, Salt, Stock.


As an organisation we incur costs on a daily basis. We would not be able to operate without financial assistance from the public. We pay salaries and rental amongst many other expenses. We appreciate every cent that we are given.


We need help in providing provide training for domestic workers (male and female) including cooking, ironing, sewing,

cleaning and garden maintenance. At the same time, we teach work ethic and time management.

We need help in providing provide training for domestic workers (male and female) including cooking, ironing, sewing,

cleaning and garden maintenance. At the same time, we teach work ethic and time management.

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